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Ludovica Carbotta





Wood, plastic, gypsum




Donation of “Premio Nazionale Arti Visive Città di Gallarate” in 2019


1420 OA

Ludovica Carbotta’s work is linked to a long term project, seen in di erent installations, focused on Monowe, an invisible city, imagined by the artist, hovering above our urban centres, di cult to access and inhabited by only one person. The mysterious architecture designed by Carbotta, adjacent to the chimney on via Rusnati in Gallarate, is part of this large work.
The structure recalls, in form, the impressive industrial complex which occupied the area, but it is also a kind of utopian abstraction, a reduction which poses questions about the permanence
of the past in the present and on the identity
of places, as they are or as they are told. In the museum, the artist has placed a series of tools that could potentially inhabit the constructed architecture: they are tools linked to the world
of work, rubber casts and supports for dyeing fabrics. The sculptural objects suggest a broad re ection on the relationship between architecture and identity, work, learning and space. 

Monowe (reproducing work)