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Luca Trevisani





HD Video


4'00'' (in loop)


Donation of “Premio Nazionale Arti Visive Città di Gallarate” in 2019


1416 OA

Luca Trevisani’s short lm proposes a dialogue between the collection of the MA*GA, the local area and its community of citizens. The project came about at a workshop organised by the students of three higher educations: the ITE E. Tosi and the IPC Verri di Busto Arsizio, the ISISS Geymonat of Tradate. From there, the artist built the parallel between work at the museum, La Baracca by Fausto Melotti, and the characteristic shapeof the industrial buildings of the city: the red brick chimneys which, since the second half of the 19th century, have characterised the industrial development of Gallarate. The formal analogy between these two elements, a work of art and a piece of industrial archaeology, is the queue for a broader re ection on the idea of public welfare and social space, as seen from both a physical and material point of view. 

Untitled. Gallarate