Paper and Ink
Dimensioni variabili - 27 fogli (14,5x14,5 cm)
Donation of “Premio Nazionale Arti Visive Città di Gallarate” in 2019
1418 OA
Flussi (interrotti) di parole by Cesare Pietroiusti are short sentences and short stories, typed on small pieces of paper on display in the museum and drawn in chalk on the streets and pavements of the centre of Gallarate by students from the Liceo Artistico P. Candiani di Busto Arsizio. These texts are the result of a reworking made by the artist from a series of recordings collected from the Residenze Sanitarie Assistite in Gallarate. Pietroiusti wanted to recover memories or fragments of memories from elderly people su ering from neurodegenerative diseases before they disappear forever. These words are regenerated through the artist’s work, and, thanks to the performance of the young students, transmit their ephemeral power to the entire community.